Thursday, 16 October 2014

FAQs For Unpaid Wages Lawsuit

What are unpaid wages?

The part of your pay that has been incorrectly withheld by employer is called unpaid wage. It can include commissions, vocational pay, overtime money, bonus or simply a paycheck which the company did not pay.

Who is entitled for overtime pay?

Apart from the job profiles that are exempted, all employees are entitled for overtime pay. In case of any ambiguities in this aspect, talk to an unpaid overtime attorney.

What if an employee agrees to work extra hours, but the employer doesn’t pay for it?

That would be illegal. Every company is required to maintain records of the number of hours worked by their employees and their corresponding pay. It is not the employees’ responsibility to maintain these records. If the management fails to maintain such records, lawsuit can be filed against the company.

How much money can an individual receive if he wins the overtime lawsuit?

If an employee has filed the petition, he stands a chance to get lot more than just his unpaid wage. He is potentially entitled to receive unpaid overtime salary that he should have been paid, the interest on that amount, and his lawyer’s fee. In few cases, individuals also receive additional amount that is called liquidated damage.

Liquidate damage doubles the unpaid wages amount. For instance, if your company owes your $10,000 worth of unpaid salary and if you end-up getting liquidate damage, your company will have to pay double the money which amounts to $20,000.

In most of the cases people are entitled to receive liquidated damages, except for the situations where employer is able to prove his acts were in good faith. 

How many years’ overtime can an individual claim for?

The FLSA says that an employee can claim last two years’ unpaid wages from the time of the filing the lawsuit. In few cases, this period can be extended to three years, if employer willfully failed to pay the money.


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About Wage-Warriors

They are the most professional overtime law firm in the USA, providing the top level and reliable solution for the cases related to the unpaid overtime.